ICT (Information and Communications Technology) has greatly affected our modern society. “It is an umbrella term that includes any communication device or application, encompassing: radio, television, cellular phones, computer and network hardware and software, satellite systems and so on, as well as the various services and applications associated with them, such as videoconferencing and distance learning.”1. How Information and Communication and Technology (ICT) has transformed the educational methodologies when you were in grade school and now in Senior High School.
ICT is one of the biggest factors of our modern society. It is typically where everything starts, and revolves on. With ICT, we are able to share with others what our opinions are, and even learn new things to be able to address to our own issues or even with others socially. ICT has made it easier, faster, and more convenient to gain information from across the globe. As long as we use ICT carefully and fully understand its power, it can be utilized for a better future of the world.
2. 2. Consider the following for comparison.
a.The singing o the national anthem (Form a line,sing the national anthem with conductor)
When singing the National Anthem, you should first look over the song and memorize all of the words. People can get very annoyed when they hear the National Anthem sung incorrectly. Because this song is so well known and popular in America, you'll want to have each and every word down pat. You can find lyrics to the National Anthem online with a simple internet search. Go over the lyrics until you have them memorized. A good tip to memorizing is to write down the lyrics over and over.
b. Concept notes
Concept notes are often requested before the presentation of a full-fledged proposal to be able to study the contents of the project and determine whether or not it is in line with the priorities of the company and the brand message they are trying to impress.
c. Presentation of visual aids
examples include those for both in-person meetings where everyone is in the same room and virtual delivery.
d. Class record
Teacher's list of your names and use this to record all your outputs and activities in school.
e. Class Dismissal
all the students in the classroom were exited.the principal had announced that classes would be dismissed at the end of the period.
f. Assignment and research
Every assignment is a challenge. But with guidance on everything from research to writing, analysing to arguing, we’ll help you meet the requirements and even improve your marks.
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